Aug 16, 2006
This performance of Götterdämmerung brings to a close the
new production of the Der Ring des
Nibelungen at the Bayreuth
Festival. One of the shining stars of the last evening was
Hans-Peter König who, in
the role of Hagen, is positively chilling in the third scene of Act
II. You will also hear Christian
Aug 8, 2006
One of the delights of the past two
Bayreuth Festivals was
listening to tenor Stephen
Gould mesmerize audiences with his impressive performances
of Tannhäuser. This summer
he is making the crowds at the "Green Hill" go wild once again,
this time with his volcanic interpretation of the title role in
Siegfried. In this...
Aug 4, 2006
At this year's Bayreuth Festival, one thing is
certain: the new production of the Ring is receiving standing ovations
thanks to the vision of director Tankred Dorst, the incredible
conducting of Christian
Thielemann, who leaves no doubt that he is one of the great
Wagnerians of our times, and the amazing singing of